Answer to Decades of Prayer

In our prayer lives, we often experience God answering in different ways than we’d like. Sometimes God says no. Sometimes He delays in answering so we continue to come to Him, like the persistent widow (Luke 18). Sometimes He provides in ways we don’t necessarily want, but are for our good (think of Israel with their daily provision of manna). In those seasons, He fosters our dependence on Him in unique ways.
But we know God delights in giving good gifts to His children (Matt. 7:11). Sometimes after years of praying and waiting, He provides. When we look back, we can see how God’s timing was perfect. We have one of those to share!
For years, the founder of Camp Maranatha prayed for God’s provision of a facilities coordinator to oversee the monumental task of maintenance and care of our 55 acre property (and 12 buildings!). And for the last couple years, we’ve been praying fervently for this, as it’s the final full-time role we need for this season of camp ministry.
We are excited to announce that God has answered those prayers!
Ben Schneeweiss is joining our team as our facilities coordinator! He and his family are in the process of raising support to come on staff in the fall. In the meantime, He’s taking on the project management of Pond View. What a blessing, especially to have a skilled carpenter and contractor to oversee our building project!
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Eph. 3:20-21
God’s provided $2100 in gifts towards our Pond View matching campaign ($4200 once doubled; we get our first matching gift once we hit $10,000 in donations).
God’s provision of a qualified person to lead the continued work on our Pond View project.
That God would continue to provide the funds and labor needed to complete Pond View by 2026.
For God to strengthen Ben and Kim’s trust in Him as they raise support, and for people to partner financially with them.