Pray First Updates

Our event season just launched with Quest: Pursuing God as Fathers and Sons, pointing both us and our guests to find refuge in God. It was a poignant reminder of why Maranatha exists.
One of the reasons we choose a Scriptural theme each year is because of our gospel-centered value. We believe that the gospel isn’t just for unbelievers. God changes believers as we daily recenter our lives around the life-giving story of the gospel–the atoning work of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit to fight our sin today, and our future hope as we take refuge in a God who is saving a people for Himself. It’s this very truth that we need to return to again and again, and where we aim to focus each event.
The gospel reminds us that history is going somewhere and God works through the church to accomplish His mission! We get to be part of His great story. Maranatha is here to come alongside families and churches through events where people can encounter Jesus and then return home eager to invest spiritually in their families and churches, living with the hope of the gospel at the forefront of their minds.
We want to reach more families in 2025 because we’re passionate about our mission. And because we want as many people as possible to experience transformation, we carefully steward finances to keep our events within reach of the everyday family.
Currently we have 86 monthly financial partners giving anywhere from $10-250/month. This year, we’re praying that God would increase that number to 110 financial partners to keep up with our growth and expenses (24 new families/individuals!).
This is a huge ask, so would you pray with us for God’s provision and ask if God might be leading you to become a monthly financial partner with Camp Maranatha?
- That God works through His flawed people to accomplish His Kingdom purposes
- For the hope we can find in the gospel today and the future hope ahead
- God answering prayer: about 40% of the fathers and sons at Quest were NEW!
- Increased effectiveness in our reach and mission
- Event guests to find their refuge in God as we study Psalm 62
- Provision of 24 new monthly financial partners, totaling 110
- Staff and volunteers to find refuge in God while planning and serving
Announcing our 2025 Event Theme!
Posted January 16, 2025What’s ahead for camp events this year….
The Joy Set Before Us
Posted October 2, 2024What was the joy set before Jesus… and now us?
Praying Scripture for Your Kids
Posted September 10, 2024In a rut praying for your someone? Here are some ways to pray Scripture….
Summer Highlights
Posted August 2, 2024What a rewarding summer! Here’s a little of what God did….
Faithful in the Little Things
Posted May 9, 2024One of the joys of camp ministry is watching young people grow–both in their faith and personal development….
How's Your Race?
Posted April 11, 2024Some thoughts as you continue running the race of faith…
Answer to Decades of Prayer
Posted March 7, 2024In our prayer lives, we often experience God answering in different ways than we’d like. Sometimes God says no. Sometimes He says wait. And sometimes after years of praying and waiting, He provides.
A New Year to Run the Race of Faith
Posted January 11, 2024A few thoughts from Hebrews 12…
We're Praying for You!
Posted November 1, 2023We wanted to let you know how grateful we are and how we’re praying for you…
How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
Posted September 1, 2023What would people say about you if you were gone? What would you want them to say?
Ignite: Showing Students God's Greatness
Posted August 3, 2023We completed the first year of our new Ignite Youth camps! This begins our four year curriculum rotation on the attributes of God…
Your family legacy is bigger than you...
Posted July 3, 2023At family camp, we’re discussing what it looks like to continually point your kids to Jesus and to live in awe of God.
Doing Hard Things
Posted June 1, 2023Next time you find yourself in a “gray area” decision, consider praying for these four things…
Thanking God for You!
Posted May 9, 2023God’s provision keeps surprising and encouraging us…
Cultivating a Spiritual Legacy
Posted April 4, 2023You may remember that our camp theme is Legacy, so we’re talking about what it looks like to pass on the faith at every opportunity!
Ways to Pray for Your Pastor
Posted March 7, 2023You might not think about it, but pastors need your prayers too….
Share your story!
Posted February 2, 2023Would you be willing to share your story of how God changed you through the ministry of Camp Maranatha?
Rethinking Resolutions
Posted January 4, 2023Individually and as a camp, we’ve been rethinking priorities, considering where to invest time, and pondering how God transformed us throughout 2022. We hope you have too.
Continuing the Legacy
Posted December 1, 2022As we celebrate 50 years of camp ministry, we’re thinking deeply on what it means to continue our legacy of faith.
A Vision for the Future
Posted November 1, 2022God has also been working in my heart in regards to Pond View. The overwhelming feeling I would get when I saw the unfinished building has quickly turned to one of confidence that God was going to complete this project.
A Story of Impact
Posted September 6, 2022At camp, we don’t often get to see or be part of the growth produced in people’s lives as they go home and apply what they’ve learned and experienced here. What a treasure when we do get a glimpse into Jesus’s work in lives!
Summer Review
Posted August 10, 2022Thanks for praying for our summer camps! God’s faithfulness, protection, and provision were evident throughout each week. He continues to provide in unexpected ways and in the small details (see below for more!)
Family Camp Update and Youth Camps Ahead
Posted July 15, 2022Thank you for praying for our family camps! We saw many answers to prayer during those two weeks. We look forward to sharing more later. A couple testimonies from families:
Family Camps
Posted June 17, 202210 days til our first family camp of the summer! We have two back-to-back weeks of family camp and are so excited to serve and pour into these families. These weeks allow families to rest from the chaos of life, hear gospel-centered teaching, and…