Pray First

Pray First Updates

Posted May 9, 2024
Our 2024 camp theme t-shirt!

One of the joys of camp ministry is watching young people grow–both in their faith and personal development. Camp is a place for trying new things, and–especially for our young volunteers–for stepping out and taking small (and sometimes big) risks in a safe space. These can be as simple as running the big dish machine in the kitchen, learning how to weed whack, running sound during sessions, or as big as leading Archery Tag or communicating announcements.

This year we’ve had the privilege of adding two interns to the camp team. Both started coming to Maranatha several years ago as young guests at Family Camp. Since then, they have come back year after year–faithfully serving in a variety of small, but vital, roles. And this year we asked them to consider making a bigger commitment and growing their responsibilities.

Meet Katy and Maddy!

Maddy is learning the ropes of programming, daily camp ministry, and event planning and operations. And a little secret…she’s planning a minute-to-win-it for family camp, plus developing and leading various summer activities, and so much more!


Katy has taken on a more behind-the-scenes role learning the ins and outs of bookkeeping and non-profit financial management as well as various other office tasks. While not a glamorous role, you can’t come to camp unless someone is faithfully managing a thousand little things in the background to keep every event running smoothly.

So, if you run into one of these young ladies at camp this year, take a moment to stop and say, “Thanks for your faithfulness in the many little things.” (Luke 16:10a)


  • God’s provision of many volunteers this year, and now two new interns!

  • The gifts we’ve received towards Pond View so far (see below).

  • A fruitful Mother Daughter Retreat with many new faces!

Pray For

  • For our interns to grow in their love for Jesus and practical skills this year.

  • For diligence and rest for our staff team as we prep for summer events and guest groups.

  • That God would bring the guests He wants us to serve this year.


Current Gifts: $4940
Current Matched: $3205
Total: $8145
Still Needed: $45060
Every dollar given until July 31 (up to $50,000!) will be matched by a ministry partner in increments of $2,500.


  • Our 2024 camp theme t-shirt!

    How's Your Race?

    Posted April 11, 2024

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  • Answer to Decades of Prayer

    Posted March 7, 2024

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  • Exciting Pond View Project Update

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  • We're Praying for You!

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  • God is Still at Work!

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  • How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

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  • At family camp, we’re discussing what it looks like to continually point your kids to Jesus and to live in awe of God.

  • Doing Hard Things

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  • Thanking God for You!

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  • Cultivating a Spiritual Legacy

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  • Share your story!

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    Would you be willing to share your story of how God changed you through the ministry of Camp Maranatha?

  • 2023 Camp Theme Announced!

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    We’re celebrating!

  • Rethinking Resolutions

    Posted January 4, 2023

    Individually and as a camp, we’ve been rethinking priorities, considering where to invest time, and pondering how God transformed us throughout 2022. We hope you have too.

  • Legacy Timeline

    Continuing the Legacy

    Posted December 1, 2022

    As we celebrate 50 years of camp ministry, we’re thinking deeply on what it means to continue our legacy of faith.

  • A Vision for the Future

    Posted November 1, 2022

    God has also been working in my heart in regards to Pond View. The overwhelming feeling I would get when I saw the unfinished building has quickly turned to one of confidence that God was going to complete this project.

  • A Story of Impact

    Posted September 6, 2022

    At camp, we don’t often get to see or be part of the growth produced in people’s lives as they go home and apply what they’ve learned and experienced here. What a treasure when we do get a glimpse into Jesus’s work in lives!

  • Summer Review

    Posted August 10, 2022

    Thanks for praying for our summer camps! God’s faithfulness, protection, and provision were evident throughout each week. He continues to provide in unexpected ways and in the small details (see below for more!)

  • Thank you for praying for our family camps! We saw many answers to prayer during those two weeks. We look forward to sharing more later. A couple testimonies from families:

  • Family Camps

    Posted June 17, 2022

    10 days til our first family camp of the summer! We have two back-to-back weeks of family camp and are so excited to serve and pour into these families. These weeks allow families to rest from the chaos of life, hear gospel-centered teaching, and…

  • Guiding our Steps and Stops

    Posted June 2, 2022

    Often we think of God’s blessing in terms of gifts. But what if the best thing for us is the loss of something or the detour of our own plans? As Muller says, God sovereignly orders our stops. We tend to see lack as bad, but God’s perspective is so much larger than ours. We learned recently that Grace Cottage is in need of…

  • Exciting Staff Update!

    Posted May 17, 2022

    We’re excited to announce the arrival of two new staff members! To meet the needs of camp and continue stewarding our budget well, all our staff are currently raising missionary support to serve in full-time or part-time capacities. This minimizes the need for team members to work additional jobs while volunteering in vital camp roles. We’re excited to see how God continues to build…

  • More than Weed Whacking

    Posted May 1, 2022

    Spring means time for spring cleaning and gardening! But to produce a healthy garden, you have to weed. Weeding is tedious. You start pulling, just to realize you’ve simply plucked the tops of the weeds off–the roots remain stuck. It’s easier to pull the small weeds than the huge ones. But it is also tempting to…

  • An Invitation

    Posted April 1, 2022

    God is moving across the world, building His Kingdom, and He’s inviting us to be part of that! How? One essential way–faithful prayer. The incredible thing about prayer is that it joins us in the work God is already doing, that we maybe were oblivious to. We know He’s building His Kingdom, but where and how? One essential way–

  • Camp is Ablaze!

    Posted February 24, 2022

    Announcing our 2022 theme: Ablaze! We anticipate an exciting ministry year as we commence our first-ever annual camp theme. Based off 2 Timothy 1:6-7, the Ablaze theme encourages us to “fan into flame the gift of God.” We’re asking God to..

  • Celebrating another year of ministry!

    Posted December 14, 2021

    God is GOOD! As I walk around the grounds, I can’t help but see signs of God’s faithfulness everywhere. From the echoes of guests, to the laughter of volunteers, to the noise of hammers and saws, God truly did do great things here in 2021!

  • Exciting News!

    Posted September 13, 2021

    Through the last two years of transition, the board recognized the urgency in establishing a full-time director to help carry and stay true to our revitalized mission of inspiring life-changing encounters with Jesus.

    After much prayer and counsel, we are very excited to announce that…