How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

We’ve been talking about Legacy at our camp events this year, which causes us to reflect on our lives and relationships. What would people say about you if you were gone? Many of us would think of some good, and perhaps some not-so-good things.
Which leads us to ponder the question, what do you want people to remember about you?
There are many great answers to that question. So let’s land on one. As followers of Jesus, what if we were to pray and strive for a life/legacy that points to the greatness and beauty of Jesus? After all, Jesus is more beautiful than anything the world has to offer:
- Jesus is better than a life of comfort. (Lk. 17:33)
- Jesus offers a better inheritance. (Eph. 1:18)
- Jesus is greater than any achievement or personal success. (Phil. 3:7-8)
- Jesus is better than wealth, security or approval of others. (Mk. 8:36, Heb. 13:5, Pr. 29:25, Phil. 4:19)
“riches I heed not nor man’s empty praise” - Be Thou My Vision - Jesus’s death and resurrection means our suffering is temporary. (2. Cor. 4:17)
- Jesus’ love is better than life. (Ps. 63:3)
How would our lives change today if we really believed and lived out these truths?
If the foundation of our legacy is to bring people to Jesus, it doesn’t matter if our name is promoted or if people remember us. May our names be forgotten, if ultimately Jesus is known as the only One worthy of the worship of all people (Rev. 5:9).
- Praise God that a spiritual legacy is not based on our accomplishments, but the finished work of Christ.
- We don’t have to strive to make our name great, but seek to glorify God.
- Praise God that all of our failings are redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
Pray For
- That we would be people who point others to the greatness and beauty of Jesus.
- That the truths of God’s Word would continue to humble and change us.
- That our lives would proclaim the truths above.