Family Camps

10 days til our first family camp of the summer! We have two back-to-back weeks of family camp and are so excited to serve and pour into these families. These weeks allow families to rest from the chaos of life, hear gospel-centered teaching, and invest in their core relationships. As they leave strengthened in the gospel, they return to their homes ready to invest in their local churches and be a light to their communities.
With our 2022 theme of Ablaze, we’re praying that these families would leave camp on fire for Jesus!
Will you take a few minutes to pray for our guest families?
Pray For
- Rest and refreshment for the families.
- Any family barriers to be broken down, relationships restored, and families knit closer together.
- God to ignite His fire in the hearts of those attending camp this year, so they would be ablaze for Jesus!
- Endurance and strength for our staff and volunteers in this intense season.
- Fruitfulness and lasting impact in our summer events and that God would be glorified!
- Full events ahead!
- God’s grace enabling us to continue the legacy of family camps at Maranatha.
- Volunteers to serve during camp weeks in specific roles.
- New staff to meet crucial ministry needs.
- Financial partners enabling us to offer scholarships to families who couldn’t otherwise attend.
- God’s provision through 49 years of camp ministry!